In 2013, 79-year-old Sandra Patterson fell off of a stool. That simple and common accident caused tremendous issues in Sandra’s life. Back issues, horrible pain, inability to walk long distances, and knee problems all became a part of her everyday life. Hoping to make a change, Sandra headed to the doctor’s office. However, she was initially told she was not a good candidate for surgery.
A year later, she met Dr. Eduardo Escorcia.
“I love Dr. Escorcia. I would follow him anywhere,” Sandra said. “He’s a psychic, really. He always knows what I need and when I need it.”
When Sandra met with Dr. Escorcia, he discovered that she had both lumbar spine issues as well as bilateral knee pain. The lumbar spine is in the lower back area, more specifically where the spine curves inward toward the abdomen. Immediately after the fall, Sandra experienced intense pain in that area. With her bilateral knee problems, her ability to move was restricted and she needed assistance.
The first steps Dr. Escorcia took to alleviate her pain was performing left and right genicular radiofrequency ablations, also known as RFA. The procedure made Sandra’s knee pain stop because it burned the nerves that cause the brain to send pain signals.
In addition, Dr. Escorcia gave Sandra two transforaminal epidural steroid injections (TFESI). These are injections of corticosteroids around irritated nerves in the spine. They lowered Sandra’s pain by reducing the inflammation in Sandra’s lumbar spine.
Sandra continues to visit Alliance Spine and Pain because the treatments turned her life around. She is able to walk, have lunch with her friends, and cook with her husband of 60 years. Sandra is ecstatic to have the mobility to keep up with her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
Sandra said, “Why be in pain? Go see Dr. Escorcia and Alliance Spine and Pain!”