In this “Employee Spotlight,” get to know Michelle Parker, a Referral Coordinator Assistant Manager. Learn more about Michelle below!
I genuinely enjoy the subject matter of our work! The medical field has always interested me. Getting to work so closely with our doctors and learn about the treatments we offer always keeps me interested.
The best compliment I have received came from a leader from our practice. They told me I was a strong woman and a hard worker despite some personal life challenges my family was facing at that time.
This is a hard question for me to answer. I strive to embody all our values, but I believe we must always show our patients compassion and everyone should be given respect no matter their status in life or title at work. I always aim to exhibit a good work ethic, and you must have integrity and strive for excellence to do that. In leadership, it's essential to serve both our patients and our team.
My first job was at Quiznos and it’s still my favorite place for subs!
Honestly, my favorite thing is hanging out with my nieces and nephew! If they are around, it’s a good time for me!
I've always been quite open, perhaps even prone to oversharing... you could say I'm an open book. No secrets here! Ha.