Alliance is excited to announce that Dr. Beata Grochowska has started offering Medtronic DTM™ (Differential Target Multiplexed) spinal cord stimulation (SCS) at our practices Piedmont/ Atlanta location. It is a Spinal Cord Stimulation waveform to help treat patients with chronic, intractable low back pain. A Spinal Cord Stimulator is a minimally invasive implantable device to help the patient better control his or her pain and the DTM™ waveform is the first SCS therapy intentionally developed from preclinical science. The goal of this therapy is to help reduce patients’ chronic pain with 50% or greater relief and to improve daily activities. Learn more about this treatment here.
Alliance is proud of Dr. Grochowska and her team for bringing new hope and real relief to our patients in the Buckhead area. With innovative interventional pain treatments, our best-in-class physicians are leading the way to the future of pain relief.