Exosome Therapy versus Stem Cell Therapy: How Do They Differ?

Exosome Therapy versus Stem Cell Therapy: How Do They Differ?

Sep 18, 2024
Exosome therapy and stem cell therapy are regenerative treatments that promote healing, relieve pain, and treat the same conditions. But they have one significant difference. Here’s what you need to know about these innovative therapies.

Our Alliance Spine and Pain Centers specialists help people overcome pain with many innovative treatments. But out of all of them, regenerative medicine therapies are the only ones that can relieve pain by directly healing the damaged tissues.

Stem cell therapy and exosome therapy are vital regenerative treatments available at our 20+ Georgia offices. Both therapies accelerate healing, helping patients return to a life no longer limited by pain. 

The best way to learn how they work and which one is best for you is to schedule a consultation. In the meantime, here’s what you need to know about the similarities and differences between stem cell therapy and exosome therapy.

Role of stem cells in regenerative medicine

Stem cells are the only cells in your body capable of regenerating the new cells needed to rebuild and repair damaged tissues. They do it by dividing and making a copy of themselves.

The original remains a blank stem cell that can continuously self-replicate to keep you healthy. The new stem cells develop into multiple types of cells, recreating the tissues needed to heal injuries and diseases.

Your body has many different adult stem cells, each regenerating specific tissues. For example, hematopoietic stem cells produce red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

Mesenchymal stem cells, primarily found in body fat and bone marrow, develop into new muscles, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, bone, and connective tissues.

About stem cell therapy

During stem cell therapy, we remove stem cells from your body, concentrate the cells, and precisely inject them into the damaged tissues. The injected stem cells do their usual job of self-replicating and regenerating the new cells needed to heal.

Our experienced team uses stem cells from two sources:

Bone marrow aspirate concentrate

Bone marrow aspirate concentrate (BMAC) refers to stem cells obtained from your bone marrow. We use a specialized needle to extract bone marrow  under sedation from your (iliac crest) hip, process the marrow to isolate the stem cells, and then inject them.

Stromal vascular fraction (SVF)

Stromal vascular fraction (SVF) is a mix of stem cells and other healing substances obtained from your fat. We use a liposuction technique to remove the fat. Then, we develop your treatment by separating the healing substances from unneeded tissues.

The role of exosomes

Stem cells do more than regenerate new tissues. They also trigger healing activities in other cells. How do stem cells stimulate other cells? They release exosomes.

Exosomes are tiny, fluid-filled sacs (vesicles) containing proteins, growth factors, RNA, and other substances. 

After the substances leave the sac, they communicate with the surrounding cells, setting off crucial cellular processes such as regulating inflammation and growing new blood vessels.

About exosome therapy

The exosomes secreted by stem cells can be collected, concentrated, and used to relieve pain and promote healing. We inject exosomes because we use them to treat musculoskeletal conditions.

While stem cells can only be injected, exosomes can be administered using different techniques because they’re significantly smaller. For example, patients can get exosomes through inhalation therapy to treat a lung condition.

Conditions treated with stem cell and exosome therapies

Exosomes can treat the same conditions and support healing just as stem cells can. But there’s one major difference: Exosomes can’t self-replicate to regenerate new tissues.

We customize your regenerative medicine based on the severity and type of your injury. You may need stem cells, exosomes, or both for an extra healing boost.

Regenerative medicine therapies target pain throughout your body. A few examples of conditions that benefit from stem cell and exosome injections include:

  • Arthritis
  • Tendonitis
  • Meniscus tears
  • Tendon and ligament injuries
  • Rotator cuff tears
  • Herniated discs
  • Degenerative disc disease

Though regenerative medicine is a good option for many pain-causing problems, it’s especially beneficial for severe injuries and when healing slows because of disease and aging.

Call the nearest Alliance Spine and Pain Centers office today or schedule a consultation through online booking to learn if you’re a good candidate for stem cell or exosome therapy.